1. 为了避免清洗缸内,换能器会因热胀冷缩而脱落,所以过热的清洗液不能突然倒进清洗缸内。
1. In order to prevent the transducer from falling off due to thermal expansion and cold contraction in the cleaning cylinder, overheated cleaning fluid cannot be suddenly poured into the cleaning cylinder.
2. 正确选择清洗剂对清洗效果关重要。清洗剂根据待清洗物体表面的附件确定。一般有:除油剂、除锈剂、油漆剂、除碳剂、除蜡剂等有机化学清洗剂。不允许将强酸强碱溶液注入清洗槽内,锈蚀。
2. The correct selection of cleaning agent is very important to the cleaning effect. The cleaning agent shall be determined according to the accessories on the surface of the object to be cleaned. Generally: degreasing agent, rust remover, paint agent, carbon remover, wax remover and other organic chemical cleaning agents. It is not allowed to inject strong acid and alkali solution into the cleaning tank to remove rust.
3. During the operation of the ultrasonic cleaning machine, the liquid will produce a certain temperature, which is generally stable at about 55 ℃ in summer and 45 ℃ in winter. When cleaning with solvent, pay attention to the ignition temperature of the solvent. When cleaning with flammable solvent, pay attention to the temperature change in the cleaning tank. If the liquid temperature is too high, turn off the ultrasonic power supply. After cleaning, the solvent temperature drops to ensure safety. If it is "not heated" when cleaning with flammable solvent, it may catch fire.

4. 将要清洁的物品放入清洁篮或专用夹具中。如果被清洗的物体没有接触到水箱,则清洗效果会更好。
4. Put the articles to be cleaned into the cleaning basket or special fixture. If the object to be cleaned does not touch the water tank, the cleaning effect will be better.
5. 当加热器安装在内胆后侧2 / 3以下位置时,加热时不要用手触摸加热板,注意烫伤。当液位小于内胆高度的2 / 3时,不允许加热。超声波清洗器内胆内的溶液不宜长时间加热80℃以上,这样会缩短超声波清洗器的使用寿命。
5. When the heater is installed below 2 / 3 of the rear side of the inner tank, do not touch the heating plate with your hand during heating, and pay attention to scalding. When the liquid level is less than 2 / 3 of the tank height, heating is not allowed. The solution in the inner tank of the ultrasonic cleaner should not be heated to more than 80 ℃ for a long time, which will shorten the service life of the ultrasonic cleaner.